Overcoming Anxiety When Visiting a Dental Clinic in Parker, CO

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Dental Clinic

Many people experience anxiety about going to the dentist; however, dental care is a necessary part of maintaining health. Here are three ways you can reduce your anxiety when visiting a dental clinic in Parker, CO.

Communicate with Your Dentist

Letting your dentist know about your anxiety ahead of time allows them to change how they approach your care. Let them know about past bad experiences or that you’d like to be informed about everything that is happening.

Incorporate a Distraction Into Your Next Dental Visit

Thankfully, technology has made it incredibly easy to find distractions while your teeth are being worked on. Bring your phone and a pair of earbuds to your next visit to a dental clinic in Parker, CO. You can listen to your favorite music, a podcast, or even a show during your appointment. Let the dentist and dental assistants know you’re listening to something so they can communicate with you when they need you to swish or spit.

Prioritize Caring for Your Teeth

Limiting your visits to the dentist outside of regular cleanings is a proactive way to limit your dental anxiety. Regular cleanings are something you can anticipate and prepare for, but extra dental procedures carry a lot of unknowns. Brush two to three times a day, floss daily, and attend your regular cleanings to avoid additional dental procedures. You should also eat healthily, exercise regularly, and avoid eating things that could harm your teeth.

Don’t let dental anxiety keep you from receiving the care you need. For a dental clinic in Parker, CO, that understands your reservations and will work with you on them, visit Holly B. Sletten, DMD.

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